Ok, OK...so yes it has been along time since my last post. As I promise myself to post more, it seems like I don't...so, lets make this time different!
Vintage Photo Cards...what have you crafted with Vintage Photos. I really hope some of you comment back. My friend Inkyhive and I got together yesterday (Monday Nov. 8th) to try and make some Vintage Photo Cards. Well, I have to say, we looked and critiqued each picture...AND DID WE LAUGH!! Now, the Vintage Photos that I have are realitives (RIP), but most were so off in the distance...late 1800's and very early 1900's, that it was OK to laugh, we were not in anyway disrespecting them, just wondering what life was about, why they didn't smile, what about that wedding dress she was wearing, etc. etc.!! I do plan on getting even more Vintage Photos from my Father (he doesn't want to part with them, but it is ok if I scan them) sometime this week, but I have to set aside at least an hour or two to retrieve them, as he loves looking through them and telling me what he knows about each one!! Can't beat family history! So, my challenge is to you, find some old photos, scan them and print them on Matte photo paper, and show me what you come up with. If you'd like to swap some vintage photos, let me know, maybe we can have a photo swap. So, this is the card. Now, I think I will be sending it to my sister with these words inside...A picture says a thousand words....What more can I say?!? I will be typing this on the computer as I don't have a stamp that says this YET!! As a stamp manufacturer, I have the technologies!!
From what my Father thought, this women lived back in the late 1800's. My Great Aunt, lived till she was 85 years old in the house that her father built in 1903 or there abouts. So, we have pictures of he and his wife's families as well. Cleaning out the house we found lots of treasures. Lets see what you all come up with!
About this card, the photo had a black frame around it that I used the Spellbinder Oval to cut out and leave just a small black border. I added some vintage buttons (notice the thread is still on them!) from Grandma Toodys sewing kit, and a piece of ribbon. Thats it! Easy! Now its your turn!
Have a great day and get some ink on those fingers! AJ