Well, I think that this may be my first post on my blog...Inkyhive, are you proud of me! I am only 2 weeks behind finishing the card I started when we visited!! But here it is! Now to describe what I did, this is another story! The stamps are from AJ's Country Stampn's and Wood-n-Paper, Ink. Take Time to... #9246 $3.00 unmounted, and H265 Sm. Covered Bridge (front) unmounted $3.00. Check out our website for these stamps and others. www.wood-n-paper-ink.com The leaf foil paper behind my oval cut outs is not on the website as of yet, but in the comments box you can order them, they are $1.69 a sheet.
Take time this Fall to really enjoy the beauty and the smells of the season. And, watch for more posts, I am determined to get busy on this! AJ